Past Work

We stand by our quality & service.


This spruce was in a tight spot and needed to be removed with very little margin for error.


Safe & Clear!

Spruce Removal


This beloved co-dominant birch tree split down the middle of the trunk during a storm.


With several reduction cuts we greatly reduced the strain on the trunk.

Birch Rescue


This large Elm was trimmed multiple times by other companies over the last 5 years but had still lost several large limbs in the last two years. 


The owner decided that it was time for it to go. 


With signs of decay in the canopy and half the tree leaning over the house and the other half over the fence, this was a fun technical removal.


Safely cleared!

Hazardous Elm Removal


Spruce are known to be susceptible to root plate failure which is when the root system fails and the tree falls over. The owner was worried about damaging the neighbors fence and wanted the tree out of there.


Safely cleared!

Leaning Spruce


This dead aspen was in a tight space between these two houses. The owner wanted to save some money by doing the cleanup themselves. 

The owner decided that it was time for it to go. 


Our team quickly removed the tree without damaging either house or the ac unit.

No Clean-up Aspen


The tenants of this property were concerned about this dying aspen shedding branches onto their roof and over their driveway. 


Our team quickly and efficiently removed this headache.

Dying Aspen


The owner of this apartment complex decided that these aspens were no longer a good fit for the building. 


Our team quickly and safely removed them and advised the tenant about what trees would be more suitable for the yard. We then made a plan to come back in the spring to a plant a new tree.

Dying Aspens


This cottonwood had dropped several sizable branches in recent wind storms. 


With a tree of this size, this is not only a hazard to people and pets, but also could have caused some serious damage to the RV and house. 


Even with the shear size and weight of this cottonwood, our team strategically dismantlement the tree without damaging the RV, house, lawn, or sprinkler system.

Dying Cottonwood


Signs such as tip die back and epicormic growth are indicators of a tree in poor health.


The homeowner lost their other elm a few years ago and decided it was time for this one to go, too.


Safely cleared!

Sick Elm Removal


This Maple was in rough shape with dead limbs over two houses.


 With winter approaching, the homeowner wanted to reduce the liability to their house and their neighbors property.


Our team methodically got the tree down without any damage to either property.

Dying Maple


These aspens had some decay at the base and one of them started leaning against the fence and neighbors house. 


The homeowner decided it was time for both of them to go before any property damage was caused.

Dying Aspens


This spruce was growing against the roof and gutter of these two houses.


The home owner wanted the branches raised and cut away from the roofs.

Overgrown Spruce


This homeowner watched us remove a large maple at their neighbors property and asked us to remove just the dead branches out of their maple so that they wouldn’t have any issues during winter.


We gave them a great price and gave this maple a fall time trim.

Fall Maple Trim